about us


Women and Children have continued to bear the burdens of the existent inequality in the spread of access to wealth and socio-economic activities that benefits them. AISS was born out of Passion to help and extend Compassion and Love to the Vulnerable Children/ Women as well as bridge the gap that existed between the under privileged and vulnerable groups especially women and children in our society with right information; and create access to quality health care services, portable water, sound environment, promote and increase agricultural production, Good governance and quality education, quality food as well as fight injustices meted to these target groups in order to entrenched equal rights and privileges to all irrespective of age, sex, education, tribe and economic status among others.


AISS Endeavors to promote agricultural sector, farmers’ capacity and environmental protection and conservation in order to empower and improve livelihood conditions of the poor agro-pastoral community in Kapoeta East South Sudan through rights-based approach as well as advocate for access to basic quality education, better health, good governance, gender mainstreaming and child protection.


A community where there is sufficient food supply, equal sustainable economic growth, improved access to basic quality education and opportunities in Life,  equal justice and health care is accessed by all.


“Except we care, They Perish”.

Core Values

The realization of AISS Vision and Mission is precipitated on our Core Values of;

  • Compassion and Love
  • Transparency and Accountability:
  • Mutual respect
  • Teamwork
  • Passion
  • Commitment
  • Equity and justice
  • Abundant supply

St Martin deporres Brothers Congregation

St Martin deporres Brothers Congregation has its headquarters in the Catholic Arch Diocese of Juba, Central Equatorial State South Sudan which is about 371Km away from Narus where the project activities are found. The place is found in Semi-Arid desert environment which normally receives less rainfall and a lot of Sunshine (prolonged drought) throughout the year.

St Martin deporres Brothers Congregation is collaborating with Eirene Organisation from Japan Tokyo has been giving education scholarship support to the Vulnerable children living in Narus South Sudan. This came to fulfil the dreams of the sponsor who had compassion for the Vulnerable children living in South Sudan particularly in Narus area.