
Our Services

Strategic goal: Contribute poverty reduction and make agriculture, Livestock, and fisheries more productive and sustainable.
Strategic goal: Enhance environmental protection and conservation and promote effective natural resources management practices like tree planting within communities.

Strategic goal: Empower rural communities for resilience and mitigate effects of emergencies on rural communities.
Strategic goal: Promote gender equality, women’s reproductive health right and contribute to prevention of HIV and AIDs

Strategic goal: To eliminate gender inequalities in primary and secondary education by achieving equality in education, with ensuring girl’s full and equal access to basic education of good quality.

Strategic goal: To provide basic education, vocational education and trainings for the disadvantage adolescents (orphans, teenage survivors of forced marriages) and youth in order to make them literate and empowered.

Strategic goal: To educate and lead the people especially those devastated spiritually to the need to brazen up to life, know and exercise their God-given spiritual right to succeed in the physical realm without spiritual molestation.

AISS new learners-beneficiaries enjoying meals during and engagement and orientation meeting

Target groups:

  • Widows, Orphans, and Vulnerable Groups.

  • People with Disabilities (PWDs).

  • Women (including pregnant women),

  • Men, Youths, Children and Elderly


Programmatic Focal Areas and Advocacy

  • Health
  • Education- (Scholarships to Vulnerable children and Teenagers of Forced Marriages)
  • Women Empowerment Programme
  • Agriculture / Climate Change and livelihood development for Rural communities
  • Poultry
  • Environmental protection
  • Watershed Management and Sanitation in Rural areas
  • Good Governance and Accountability/Micro-Credit Projects
  • Gospel proclamation
  • Child Protection

Pest control measure